Best Of The Discerning Cat

Why do cats rub against humans? This is a plea for solace. Some cats knead as an emotional expression.

Seeking Comfort

Before bed, you'll frequently discover your cats baking cookies. A second reason cats knead is to modify the surface before napping.

Getting Ready for a Nap

Similar to how you fluff your pillows and blankets before bed or how canines circle their beds to reposition their blankets, your fluffy cat does the same with their beds.

It is a trait passed down from their progenitors, the wild cats. Feral cats construct a 'nest' for a nap or a safe place to give birth by pawing piles of leaves or tall grass.

The Massage of Love

Having our beloved cats knead on our bare skin is an unpleasant experience, particularly when their claws emerge. 

However, they frequently establish close relationships with their owners and crave attention.

Demanding Attention & Expressing Affection

Cats are extremely territorial by nature and enjoy marking their territory.

Marking Their Territory

Cats begin kneading as soon as they are born. The act of pressing their claws against both sides of their mother's teats stimulates milk flow.

Reminiscing About Their Kittenhood

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