The Beautiful White Wildflower That'll Thrive In Your Shade Garden

White Trillium (Trillium grandiflorum): This elegant wildflower features three large white petals and thrives in rich, moist, and well-drained soils under deciduous trees.

Solomon's Seal (Polygonatum biflorum): With its graceful, arching stems and dangling white bell-shaped flowers, Solomon's Seal prefers shady spots with fertile, humus-rich soil.

Foamflower (Tiarella cordifolia): This low-growing perennial forms dense mats of foliage and spikes of delicate white flowers.

White Bleeding Heart (Dicentra spectabilis 'Alba'): Known for its heart-shaped white flowers that hang in rows along arching stems, this plant thrives in partial to full shade and blooms in late spring.

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Sweet Woodruff (Galium odoratum): This ground cover produces small, star-shaped white flowers and thrives in moist, shady areas.

Virginia Bluebells (Mertensia virginica 'Alba'): Although typically blue, the 'Alba' variety features clusters of white, bell-shaped flowers.

Anemone nemorosa (Wood Anemone): This woodland perennial produces small, white, star-like flowers and spreads through rhizomes.


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